§ 5-8-3. Duties and functions, generally.  

Latest version.
  • The Director of Human Resources Management shall administer recruitment procedures, including placing ads, reviewing applications, interviewing and testing candidates, checking references and employee placement and orientation and shall coordinate update and revision of position descriptions.

    The Director of Human Resources Management shall participate in collective bargaining negotiations, including data collection and analysis and language development. He shall analyze changes in collective bargaining legislation and make recommendations regarding such.

    The Director of Human Resources Management shall administer labor contracts; interpret contract language; participate in labor management meetings; research grievances; resolve issues related to contract administration.

    The Director of Human Resources Management shall assist departments with resolution of employee issues; advise and confer with department heads and supervisors regarding interpretation of policies and application of procedures.

    The Director of Human Resources Management shall coordinate and administer insurance programs for the Village, including health, life, property and liability, workers compensation, unemployment compensation; direct the Village's annual open enrollment; coordinate with insurance companies and attorneys regarding lawsuits, settlements or other resolutions of claims; ensure compliance with appropriate State and Federal laws.

    The Director of Human Resources Management shall oversee all risk management functions, including the Village's safety program; coordinate activities of the Central Safety Committee; provide advice and direction to Village safety committees, interested employees and departments; coordinate the Village's loss control program; meet with loss consultant and other representatives regarding safety equipment and procedures.

    The Director of Human Resources Management shall direct and administer the Village's employee benefit program including employee health and life insurance policies, maintenance of vacation, sick, holiday and other leave programs; make recommendations regarding revisions.

    The Director of Human Resources Management shall review and approve performance evaluations; confer with employees and department heads regarding evaluation procedures; and make recommendations regarding format and frequency of evaluations.

    The Director of Human Resources Management shall maintain centralized employee filing system; assure confidentiality and completeness of employee files; review and make recommendations regarding retention of employee records and files; develop retention systems for both paper and computer systems.